June 4, 2022
Five Top Tips for Preparing for Your Dissertation Oral Defense (Viva Voce)

You’ve done the research, analyzed the data, written the dissertation, and submitted it – now all that’s left is to complete your oral defense (also known as the viva voce, or just the viva). How on earth can you prepare to orally explain to a panel of experts what took you years to research and […]

June 3, 2022
Five Research Tips for Your Dissertation Literature Review

The dissertation literature review—also known as the thesis literature review, or simply the lit review—is the portion of your dissertation that summarizes and dialogues with the existing research on your topic. If you’re like most of the students I work with, you may feel you need some help with this first and crucial part of […]

May 27, 2022
Five Ways to Prepare for the Academic Job Market

No matter how good your research is, finding an academic job can be challenging. Especially in the wake of pandemic-related hiring freezes and funding cuts, competition for faculty positions and tenure-track roles is fierce. However, there are steps you can take to maximize your competitiveness in the academic job market. In this post, I share […]

May 27, 2022
What Happens When You Submit Your Dissertation?

Think you’ve hit the finish line when you finally finish your full dissertation draft? Well … not quite. You actually have many more steps before you finally get to call your dissertation journey finished. Here’s a handy infographic of what to expect.

May 26, 2022
How Dissertation Students Can Seek Graduate Teaching Experience to Succeed in the Academic Job Market

Are you wondering whether teaching during your graduate degree is worth the time, stress, and extra work? If so, then the answer is a resounding “yes,” because teaching experience is one important key to success in the academic job market. Most faculty positions are built on three core pillars: research, service, and teaching. Anyone can […]

May 20, 2022
Understanding the Peer Review Process

Peer review is essential. Without peer review, the whole structure of academia would crumble. In this article, you’ll learn: Most credible academic journals and publishers utilize the peer review process to ensure the quality and credibility of their publications (we’ll discuss why in a moment). If you want your work to be out there, you’re […]

May 13, 2022
What to Look for in an Awesome Dissertation Supervisor (and What to Ask For)

As a coach, I’ve noticed that one of the top pain points my students struggle with is finding the right dissertation supervisor. The right dissertation supervisor can be highly motivating and supporting, while a poor one can make the research and writing processes extremely difficult. Most new students look for a dissertation supervisorwho will be […]

May 11, 2022
Your Guide to Graduate Studies in Children’s Literature

Children’s Literature is one of the fastest-growing and most popular fields of graduate study worldwide. Learn More ↗ After all, who wouldn’t want to spend their graduate years diving back into childhood favorites? That’s why I chose to enter this field, way back in 2005, when I began my children’s literature PhD. The thought of […]

April 29, 2022
Understanding The Dissertation Defense Process

If you’re approaching the final weeks of your dissertation writing journey, you may be wondering about the process for approaching and completing your defense. Exactly what happens after you hit the “submit” button, and how soon will you be able to flaunt your new title? You may unaware that there is still some work ahead […]

April 29, 2022
How to Create an Academic Website

Photo by HalGatewood.com on Unsplash Creating an academic website is a great way to showcase your research, share your personal experiences of academia, and encourage others within your research community to reach out and stay in touch. A personal academic website can also serve as your digital portfolio, offering potential employers easy access to your […]

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