March 11, 2022
Tops Tips for Finding Scholarly Articles for Your Dissertation

If you’ve never been taught how to conduct scholarly research, finding academic journal articles can feel overwhelming when you first sit down to research your dissertation lit review, problem statement, and so on. Many students resort to random browsing, but struggle to find journal articles that are relevant, timely, or both. If this is you, […]

March 4, 2022
Tips for Writing a PhD Program Cover Letter

If you are feeling frustrated at the thought of writing yet another cover letter for your PhD program application, you are probably not alone. Pretty much everyone hates the tedium of browsing sample cover letters online, reading advice posts about cover letters, staring helplessly at a blank computer screen on which a cover letter has […]

March 1, 2022
Three Exciting Young Adult Literature Dissertation Topic Prompts

Are you thinking about doing a dissertation in young adult literature and wondering what a good topic might be? Here are three prompts to get you started! Posthumanism and YA Bodies Questions to ask yourself: How do novels approach young adult agency when it comes to physical boundaries? Do YA texts offer space for physical […]

February 25, 2022
Top Tips for Writing Your Dissertation Abstract

Writing an effective dissertation abstract with a low word count can be extremely challenging – especially when you’re exhausted from writing the dissertation itself! Here are my top tips for writing a short, sweet dissertation abstract.

February 24, 2022
Digital File Management: Keeping Your Professional Documents Organized

You can be the most lucid writer in the world, but without good document management skills, your writing talent may not count for much. In my time as an editor and communications specialist, I have seen clients accidentally release rough drafts into the wild, lose hours of collaborative revision in the single push of a […]

February 18, 2022
How to Prepare for your Grad School Interview

Choosing the right graduate school and program for you can be challenging, but it is only the first half of the battle to becoming a graduate student. The next step is acing the grad school admissions interview. Like any interview, the grad school admissions interview is not easy – it’s not meant to be. However, […]

February 11, 2022
Three Careers for Children’s Literature PhD Graduates

Children’s Literature can be broadly understood as the study of texts and media intended for or created by children, but that doesn’t mean children’s literature graduates are limited to literature-based careers. While graduates with children’s literature degrees have traditionally moved on to jobs in education and teaching, there are many more career possibilities out there. […]

February 9, 2022
Six Tips for Effective Dissertation Proofreading

Even if you are a stellar researcher, you may be feeling daunted by the idea of proofreading your 40,000-word+ dissertation. Daunted or not, however, proofreading is an essential part of the dissertation writing process. Here are some top tips taken straight from the professional proofreading industry that you can use to up your proofreading game. […]

February 1, 2022
Creating a Web-Based Portfolio

We all know that academic hiring is cut-throat at the best of times, and even more so now that COVID-19 is hitting higher education institutions hard. A key question for budding academics at the moment, therefore, is how to transform amazing ideas and expertise into a coherent academic career narrative attractive to employers. One key […]

January 30, 2022
Dissertation Reference List Dos and Don’ts

Dissertation reference lists are long, and one of the most persistent writing issues I see as a dissertation coach is missing, inaccurate, and incomplete references and citations. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you keep your dissertation reference list under control. Do: Keep complete bibliographical information for EVERY source you look at. Do […]

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