September 17, 2024
How to Choose the Right Tools for Dissertation Writing: Time, Value, and Support Systems

If you read my newsletter regularly (and you should, if I say so myself – my students tell me it’s pretty awesome), you’ll know I’m a big fan of support systems. Whether it’s apps and tools to make life easier, processes we put in place to optimize work, or people we rely on when we […]

September 12, 2024
If You Are Struggling with Dissertation Focus … Try Letting Your Mind Wander

Often during dissertation work, we struggle and try really hard to stop our minds from wandering away from our work. When reading something complex and dense, or trying to articulate complicated concepts in our writing, our brains want to focus just about anywhere else—on reading the news, on thinking about lunch, on wondering what our […]

April 3, 2023
What Should Dissertation Feedback Look Like?

Dissertation supervisors are there to support you throughout your Ph.D. But what should their feedback actually look like? This guide answers that and more.

March 2, 2023
Where Can You Go for Extra Help During Your Dissertation Research?

Five experts you can hire to help with your dissertation. Feeling overwhelmed with your dissertation research? You’re not alone. Here’s a list of experts who can help ensure your manuscript is the best it can be. You’ve spent years working toward your degree, thinking about your ideal dissertation topic, and crafting the perfect problem statement. […]

January 19, 2023
Three Apps for Being A Grad Student and Parenting at the Same Time

Parenting while doing a grad degree is really hard work. Here are the three apps that I use to make the balance bearable.

November 7, 2022
What To Expect in Your Dissertation Defense Presentation

If you’re approaching the final weeks of your dissertation writing journey, you may be wondering about what to expect in your dissertation defense presentation. Exactly what happens after you hit the “submit” button, and how can you prepare for that all-important presentation day? Here’s a quick guide to what to expect and how to get […]

October 31, 2022
Do I need to be a genius to do a doctorate degree?

The quick answer to this question is no: you don’t need to be abnormally “smart” to do a doctorate degree, but you do need a specialized set of skills and characteristics. Completing a doctorate degree is not easy, but the idea that only geniuses become doctors is a misconception. In fact, your IQ has very […]

September 26, 2022
The Top 6 PhD Podcasts for Surviving Your Dissertation

Back in August, I promised you a post with my line-up of fantastic PhD podcasts for dissertation students – so here it is! In this post, I’ll share six of my favorite research and study podcasts for dissertation students (and don’t forget to check out the companion post 10 Essential Dissertation Blogs for Ph.D. Students!) […]

September 19, 2022
What is a Dissertation Problem Statement?

The dissertation problem statement outlines the specific problem you hope to solve with your dissertation study. This may seem like a simple concept, but many dissertation students struggle to move from this definition to a fully fleshed-out section in Chapter 1. This post will walk you though some starting points: the reason for having a […]

September 12, 2022
Manual vs. Software Coding for Qualitative Dissertations: Which Is Better?

Are you preparing to do qualitative coding for your dissertation? Coding is one of those research process that can (sometimes) be made easier with the use of Digital tools, such as coding software. Before you begin, determine whether you should opt for manual vs. software coding. Keep reading to learn about the pros and cons […]

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