April 29, 2022
How to Create an Academic Website

Photo by HalGatewood.com on Unsplash Creating an academic website is a great way to showcase your research, share your personal experiences of academia, and encourage others within your research community to reach out and stay in touch. A personal academic website can also serve as your digital portfolio, offering potential employers easy access to your […]

April 22, 2022
How to Get Motivated When Your Dissertation Deadline is Approaching

When you have a dissertation deadline approaching, it can be challenging to keep motivated. In fact, the closer the finish line looms, the harder it gets to stay focused and enthusiastic. Anything but sitting down to work starts to look attractive. (I often used to find myself really interested in dealing with the laundry backlog.) […]

April 21, 2022
Getting Started with Your Dissertation Literature Review

The key to getting started with your dissertation literature review is to understand the purpose that underlies this critical section of your thesis. In this post, you’ll learn: One of the most frequent concerns I see with my new students is that the literature review can seem a daunting and potentially endless task. How do […]

April 9, 2022
Balancing Old and New Sources in Your Dissertation Literature Review

When preparing to write your dissertation literature review, you need to read EVERYTHING. So, how do you know what to include in the actual literature review draft? When is it appropriate to leave out a source that is too old, and how much of the most recent research should you include? There are three key […]

April 8, 2022
How to Write a Strong Materials and Methods (Methodology) Section

The Materials and Methods Chapter is easy to write… if you know the tricks of the trade. Here is a handy guide to help you breeze through this chapter.

April 1, 2022
A Quick Guide to Conferences for Grad Students

For many grad students, research conferences are both exciting and intimidating. So, why do professors and programs encourage – or even expect – you to attend them? What value do they offer for your development as a researcher and your future career? The answer is two-fold: conferences enable you to build your network and broaden […]

April 1, 2022
Five Good Reasons Professional Editing is Worth the Cost

By the time you reach the stage of researching and writing your own academic papers, you are already a pretty good writer. You have kick-ass ideas, a fascinating thesis, and a thorough understanding of your field. You have probably spent months – if not years – on original research and even longer marshalling your evidence […]

April 1, 2022
What is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is the key piece of researched writing produced at the end of a masters or doctoral program. Before you dive into one of these programs, it’s definitely worth getting familiar with what a dissertation involves! In this article, you’ll learn: What is a Dissertation? As we’ve already seen, a dissertation is the piece […]

March 25, 2022
Why You Should Use the MS Word “Tracked Changes” Function When Revising Your Dissertation

The track changes feature in MS Word is perfect for dissertation students, because it enables you to see each revision and accept or reject it individually. This means that you can try out different solutions without losing your original copy. Here’s a quick tutorial on how it works. Why Track Your Dissertation Revisions? The ability […]

March 19, 2022
How to Keep Your Dissertation Reference List Under Control

No one likes doing academic references, but they are essential and a dissertation contains HUNDREDS of them. How can you keep your references and citations in order when you are working with so many sources over so many months and drafts? In this post, I give you my top tips as a professional academic writer […]

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