A Review of “Get Real and Get In” by Dr. Aviva Legatt

Est. Reading: 1 minute

I am super excited to share my recently published review of Get Real and Get In – A fantastic new college prep guide by Dr. Aviva Legatt.

Are you currently applying to a dissertation program, or do you know someone else who is? Here’s a quick summary of what’s to love in this guide.

What’s the book about?

Get Real and Get In encourages students to be their authentic self as a way of channeling and managing the stress of applying to colleges. Even better, it offers practical advice for turning authenticity into successful applications.

What makes the book effective?

Dr. Legatt has a knack for offering advice that actually applies to a young applicant’s life and way of looking at the world. The book focuses on action, helping readers process and apply the advice it contains, all while avoiding being patronizing.

How can you use this book?

Whether you know someone struggling through the process of applying for a masters or Phd, or are struggling through this process yourself, this book can help.

Read the full review on The Children’s Book Review website.

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