Read Write Perfect, LLC

Scholarly Sisters Sanctuary Application Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the Scholarly Sisters Sanctuary writing group. Community is a very important part of this group, so we don't accept every application to join. To make sure the group is the right fit for you and that you are a good fit for the group, please answer a few quick questions.


Answer the following questions

Once your application is approved, you'll receive a welcome email with everything you need to get started. We're looking forward to having you in the group!
Illustration of coffee mug and invite to free RWP coffee break newsletter
Too many newsletters for PhD students are about work, work, work... You're under enough pressure already. 

This newsletter is different. It's your certified excuse to sit back, unwind, and take a break.

Enter your email below to get your twice-monthly hit of inspiration, tips, anecdotes, life lessons from a coach, and a few book recommendations thrown in.

*Please note that academic results will vary from student to student.
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